Literary as hell.



Before you submit to the Furious Gazelle, ask yourself the following about your submission: Does it have a good story? Is it compulsively readable? Are you a living human being who has written some words? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, we encourage you to submit.



We consider short fiction, micro fiction, poetry, short plays, novel excerpts, and creative non-fiction.


Poetry – please submit no more than 5 pages of poetry at a time.

Prose (fiction and nonfiction) – up to 7,000 words. (If submitting flash, please submit no more than 5 individual pieces at a time.)

Plays – please submit no more than 20 pages at a time.



Please submit your work as .doc, .docx or .pdf files. We’re flexible on formatting as long as your formatting is clear and easy to read. Please do not paste your story into the body of an e-mail.

Also, please note if you have special formatting as it sometimes does not display correctly in Word. This way we can check with you if something looks incorrect. I.e. if your poem about whales is in the shape of a whale, tell us.

Plays should be in standard play format.


Send your work to following the formatting and length guidelines listed above. If you don’t, we’ll find you. And make you.

Just kidding. But we are angry.



Things that Make Us Furious

We are always accepting submissions to our column, Things That Make Us Furious. We invite you to tell us, in satirical essay, listicle, rant, whatever, as long as it is well-informed words with a biting humor that makes you furious too.

We accept essays of any word count sent as an attachment to

Book Review Requests

The Furious Gazelle is currently open to book review requests. To submit a book for review consideration, please send an email to and with “BOOK REVIEW REQUEST” in the subject.



Six Questions for…

We participated in Jim Harrington’s Six Questions for Editors project. Read our interview to find out more about what we’re looking (or not looking) for in submissions.


Halloween Contest – 2022

The Furious Gazelle’s Halloween writing contest is currently closed. Click here for last year’s guidelines.

Click here to view our 2020 finalists.


Spring Contest – 2020

Our spring contest is currently closed. Click here for our previous submission guidelines.

The contest has no theme. Submissions are free, but please consider supporting the contest with a donation or by purchasing a critique.

During the submission period, regular submissions will be closed. You can continue to submit but all normal submissions sent during this period will not be read until after the contest is over.


  1. Tim Jamieson


    I’m looking forward to writing a story for your competiton! Can you please let me know if you are open to international entrants?


    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Hi Tim,

      Yes, the contest is open to international entries as long as you have a PayPal account to receive payment if you win. We look forward to seeing your entry.

  2. Hana O

    Hi, I have a short horror story that I wrote but it is pretty graphic, if I had to rate it it would be 18+. Is that a rating you guys accept?

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      We don’t have any rating requirements.

  3. rushna

    Hi my name is rushna I am 16 I want to enter a story competition thankyou

  4. rushna

    It’s a scary story

  5. rushna

    I’m looking forward to entering your competition

  6. Lauren

    How do I send in the submission? Via email? I can’t find anything, please help.

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors


      Look up! Our submission guidelines are on this page.

      -The Editors

  7. Mary

    I can’t find Is it an e-mail address?
    I look forward to a reply and want to enter the contest.

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Yes, that is our email address.

  8. Oliver

    For Furious Gazelles, you sure have a nice manner when you have to answer the same questions over and over!

  9. Anna Leigh

    Okay. What if it’s not Halloween themed, but it’s still pretty disturbing?

    Is it still eligible for submission?

    Say yes.

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      It is eligible, but for the Halloween contest we are looking for stories that at least loosely tie into Halloween. “Disturbing” may be enough to meet the theme but use your judgment.

  10. Susan Richardson

    Hi. I was just wondering if I should expect an email that my submission has been received; I know some journals don’t contact writers until a decision has been made, but I wanted to clarify just in case you do typically send submission received emails and my submission may have been lost. Thank you.

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Dear Susan,

      We do not send out submission receipt emails unless requested by the author. We try to respond to submissions within three months.

      The Editors

      • Susan Richardson

        Thank you so much for responding to my query. I have been enjoying your recent posts very much.

  11. Dakota Vaassen

    I submitted a one act play yesterday, and I’m just wondering how long it’ll take to hear back.

    Thank you,

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Hi Dakota,

      We respond to all submissions within a three to four month period.

      The Editors

  12. Lady Tea

    Do you accepted previously published material for your Halloween Contest (or in general)?

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Yes. Please note publication history in your submission if your entry has been previously published.

  13. Brittany G

    I am interested in submitting my play. After it is read and if you choose that you like it, what will happen afterwards? Will I get help producing it?

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      The Furious Gazelle is a literary magazine. We publish plays in our magazine. Please read our submission guidelines and FAQ before submitting.

  14. Diana

    Hello. I’m interested in submitting a couple of short plays, is that ok?

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Hi Diana,

      Yes, we accept play submissions. Please follow the submission guidelines on this page. We look forward to reading your work!

      The Editors

  15. L.J. Stephens

    How can I get on an email list to remind me about the Halloween contest?

  16. Olulu


    I like your response to messages above.
    I want to send you some of my poems, stories and articles, does it matter if it was previously published on my website ?


    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      We accept previously published submissions; please disclose any previous publications and dates in your cover letter.

  17. Darlene Patrick

    I plan to submit my work for the Spring Contest 2019. It is unpublished and a simultaneous submission. I assume that is OK as long as I let you know promptly if it is chosen for publication by another magazine. Is that correct?

    • The Furious Gazelle Editors

      Hi Darlene,

      Yes, that would be fine! Thanks. We look forward to reading your entry.

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