“I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
by the gazelles or the hinds of the field,
that you stir not up nor awaken love until it please.”
–The Song of Solomon
What I thought
as he ran languid fingers
down the expensive territory,
waist and hard hipbone,
squeezed my ass like sweet
dough to be devoured
as his eyes ate greedily before,
mouth to lip, tongue
binding tongue close(d)
as a tight contract
Was how retreat furls
through rooms like a nautilus,
narrowing and bare, untouched
save where the virgin
girl hung a locket,
took a breath, broke
the rules and dove
and was seen no more,
How love is a thing
with hands and mouths
and many faces, sneering
and crying, wiping clean
at the end, an elemental
amalgam of cock and cunt
and sweaty air: profound
How he treats this moment
like worship, this desecration,
not my body he possesses
secondhand, hardly believing
his luck, but a room
immaculately vacant, light
over the door, waiting;
How what shouldn’t be
is: the boy who doesn’t
deserve is the man
who taught me to want,
that it’s Hell or nothing,
fire and volcanic ash
or neck deep in ice
and the sound of gnawing,
That my mind, closed
like a shell, secreting
mother of pearl around
that shard of sand
wearing at my heart,
knife to jagged wound,
scar tissue snapping
with a latex sound,
waits that much closer
to a thing like Heaven.
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