The Furious Gazelle’s 2024 Halloween Writing Contest will open on August 19th and remain open until October 6th.

As always, the contest is free to enter. Please read the full entry rules below.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for news on this year’s contest.

View the 2022 winner.

View the 2021 winner

Click here for the 2020 winner.

Halloween 2019 winner.

Halloween 2018 winner.

Past Halloween contest winners and finalists.



The contest is free to enter. The first-place winner will receive $50. Runners up will receive publication and a $5 honorarium.

Send us your Halloween-themed poetry, fiction, short plays, and creative non-fiction as an attachment to, and put “Halloween contest + [your name]” in your subject line.

Each writer can submit either one short story (max 3,000 words), one play (capped at 10 pages), or up to three shorter fiction pieces (any combination of flash pieces / poems is ok as long as they don’t exceed 3 submissions). Poems shouldn’t exceed two pages; flash pieces should be capped at 1,500 words each.


We’ll consider previously published work as long as you retain publication rights, but please include a note about publication history in the body of your email.



Our critiques offer insight and constructive criticism about your entry. Constructive criticism is a great way to learn how to become a stronger writer. We will provide three lines of feedback: what we liked, what could be working better, techniques you could consider using to strengthen your story.

If you’d like constructive feedback, click here to purchase the item in the Square store (you can also send $10 via paypal to and note your receipt number in your submission e-mail).
Halloween anthology + full page critique

This year, we’re adding the option to purchase a full page critique from one of the Furious Gazelle editors (Tess Tabak or e. kirshe) along with our Halloween anthology. This illustrated anthology includes our favorite entires of the past five years of Halloween contest winners and runners up. You will be supporting our past authors, and the contest, as well as receiving even more constructive feedback. If you’d like to do this, please purchase a copy of the book here and email us a copy of your receipt with your entry.


Just want to support our contest? We’re committed to keeping our Halloween contest free to enter, but that costs money. If you can, please consider making a contribution with your entry. Your $5 (really any amount is appreciated) contribution will go towards the first-place prize and our website hosting costs. If you’d like to contribute, click here to donate through our Square store (you can also send $5 or any amount via paypal to and submit your entry as an attachment to

Donating will not have any impact on your chances of winning, but it will earn our eternal gratitude, and help us to keep The Furious Gazelle online.


Please direct any questions to with “QUESTION” in your subject line.