Literary as hell.

Tag: love (Page 2 of 2)

Poetry by Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson is a young Canadian writer based in the city referred to as “The City Above Toronto” who spends her time watching people and trying to do them justice on paper. She has had poetry published with Purple Pig Lit and literary non-fiction published with True Blue magazine. Her twitter handle is @hey_jeska

Swept Off My Feet by Jari Thymian

Our second finalist in the Furious Gazelle’s President’s/Valentine’s Day contest is a poem by Jari Thymian.

Jari Thymian is a full-time volunteer in state and national parks around the US. Her poetry has appeared in various print and online publications including Orange Room Review, FRiGG, Prune Juice Journal, Simply Haiku, and The Pedestal. She’s been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for Best of the Web.

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